Archive | October 2, 2011

Friday Airport Adventures

I can’t believe my 3 day trip home is almost over:( i am staying at my friend Lauren’s tonight and i forgot to ask for the Internet password. I present you with the only iPhone pics from my trip. We left Houston on Friday from George Bush airport. Ryan didn’t realize the flight was almost 3 hours…he didn’t have any reading material! We made a trip to the airport bookstore.


This cookbook is definitely going on my Christmas list. Homesick Texan is one of my favorite food blogs. Lisa Fain is a native Texan living in New York. Her recipes offer creative twists on traditional Texan favorites. Her drool worthy pictures and stories make perfect cookbook material.


Did anyone else do these felt drawings when they were little? I honestly debated buying these and coloring on the plane:)

We picked up some dinner and coffees and then it was boarding time! The plane ride flew by. I almost finished the crossword puzzle in the airplane magazine. I only missed 5 words!

Despite my big on flight salad I needed a snack when I got to Philadelphia.


It was hard to pass up the regional goodies. Herrs sour cream chips and tastycakes..mmmm.

After grabbing my suitcase and getting our rental car… It was homeward bound!

Question: What do you normally do in the airport? I usually browse all of the stores and grab a snack and a coffee. I try to walk around and stretch my legs before sitting for hours.